
We are basically just a normal, older married couple living in the suburbs of Edinburgh. Our hobbies include getting involved in church, gardening, sewing, fair-trade, reading, music, drumming. Karen teaches English to non-native English speakers. Over all of that we have the idea that …
In Our Generation We Can Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Unfair Trade Which means: • There is enough wealth and global capacity in the world to put a permanent end to extreme poverty. • Imagine that: no more hunger, no more deaths from treatable diseases. Everyone having access to education, self-determination, medicine etc. • All that’s lacking is political and popular will. • YOU could be part of the popular will. And together we can build the political will. If that strikes a chord with you do please get in touch. Also have a look at our Eradicate Extreme Poverty page.


End Poverty Portal

A Bit of Bible

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12).